...dedicated to your service | |
Pan American flight insignia stand for skill, service and integrity the world over ... and proud men wear them. Men who have successfully mastered the skills necessary to achieve outstanding success in their chosen professions. One such insignia is worn by the men who serve you at the controls of every Pan American Flying Clipper ... the Wing of your Clipper Captain. He belongs to a group of seasoned and highly trained flying Captain. Men whose names are linked with some of the greatest achievements in civilian and military aviation history. Men who proudly combine their personal reputations and flying experience in the one World's Most Experienced Airline ... Pan American World Airways. In world-wide service PAA has 1300 pilots who have flown over a million miles, 100 who have flown over 3,000,000 miles. The unmatched record of Pan American's flight crews is symbolized by then "PAA Wings" so coveted by the Clipper Captain in charge of your flight; so respected by the tens of thousands of ground crewmen working all over the globe to make Clipper service the finest service. But we'd like you to know more about these Master Craftsmen of Air Travel. Come with us for a moment into the Control Cabin and meet a typical Clipper Captain. Learn what his Wings represent ... what he had to do to win them. Typically he averages 20 years' experience during which he has flown more than 25 different types of aircraft. He has flown to all six continents ... made scores of trans-ocean crossings. Before joining Pan American he was a more-then-competent pilot. For him to qualify as a Clipper Captain, however, Pan American added 5 years additional post-graduate study. And once he wins his Clipper wings, he must continue to prove his ability. He must pass rigid physical examinations every six moths and, together wit his crew, is brought in at regular intervals for "team training" in all new and advanced operating procedures as the year developed and proven. Assisting the Captain are his first and second officers, both of whom are well qualified as command pilots. The first officer is responsible for your Clipper's proper loading -- the second officer is your Magellan of the Skies, your navigator. The fourth man in the Control Cabin is the flight engineer. His control Panel of over 40 instruments tells him the Clipper's exact mechanical performance, both on the ground and during flight. Finally, and so important to your personal comfort, you have your cabin flight attendants and I would take volumes to tell of the many personalized services they stand ready to provide. So, because actions speak louder than word, here is one chapter in Pan American's Service history you can write for yourself. The facts will unfold before your eyes from the moment you step aboard your Flying Clipper. This is your Clipper Captain and crew. Their reputations and experience soar to new height witch every Clipper take-off. |
CAPTAIN RALPH W. SAVORY helped pioneer commercial air service in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. He has been flying for 28 years and now serves Pan Am as Chief Pilot, Alaska Region. | CAPTAIN MURRAY H. STUART has 28 years of flying experience. An Alaska pilot the first 16 years of his career, he transferred to San Francisco in 1994. Is now assistant chief pilot, training. | ||
CAPTAIN KENNETH V. BEER has flown 27 years for Pan American. He has 23,000 pilot hours and is PAA's senior captain in the Pacific Division. He was the 26th pilot to join Pan American. | CAPTAIN H. L. (LANIER) TURNER during his 27 years with Pan American has flown everything from early Sikorsky amphibians and Martin Flying Boats to Double-decked "Strato" Clippers. | ||
CAPTAIN SAMUEL T. PETERS, Chief Pilot, Pacific-Alaska Division, has a distinguished record. Has served as engineer, navigator, pilot, assistant chief pilot, training. Has flown 14,000 pilot hours. | CAPTAIN AUDREY D. DURST has flown some 22,000 pilot hours since joining PAA in 1930. He's flown nearly every type of Pan American Clipper. Now serves Pan American as a check pilot. | ||
CAPTAIN W. J. (JOE) BARROWS has flown since he was 17. His wide experience includes service with the U.S. Forest Patrol and flying the mails in Alaska where he joined Pan Am in 1932. | CAPTAIN FREDERICK C. RICHARDS has flown a total of 20,000 pilot hours during his distinguished flying career. He joined Pan Am in 1932 and has piloted the Clippers to many Pacific records. | ||
CAPTAIN JOHN H. HAMILTON, Sector Chief Pilot, Hong Kong, has flown to nearly every major country in the world during his distinguished career. He has flown more than 21,000 pilot hours. | CAPTAIN JAMES L. FLEMMING, a graduate aeronautical engineer, joined Pan American in 1935. He has flown for the Navy, serves PAA as assistant chief pilot, technical; check pilot; and Captain. | ||
CAPTAIN P. T. ADAMS, check pilot, joined Pan Am 21 years ago. He has more then 23,500 hours of flying experience and has piloted nearly every type of aircraft that has been utilized by PAA. | CAPTAIN F. S. K. (SCOTTY) LEWIS has flown Pan Am Clippers to nearly every one of the 78 countries and colonies served by Pan American. He has logged 17,500 pilot hours in 22 years of flying. |