Cool Stuff
Going to Hawaii
For the first time in history of comic books, an artist-writer team has been sent "on location" to gather authentic material. This book is the result of a special trip to the Hawaiian Islands by artist Al Wiseman and writer Fred Toole.
Their on-the-spot sketches, photos, and notes enabled them to draw and write this book as could only be done by people who had actually visited the Islands.
I hope you will agree withe me that their trip has resulted in one of the most beautiful and entertaining comic books ever published.

Robert M. Hall
President, Hallden Publications, Inc.
Anxious to get to the "Paradise of the Pacific", writer Fred Toole lends a hand as artist Al Wiseman tries to start their plane.

Fred and Al get ideas from a pair of naitve Hawwian "menaces". The team reported that, even more impressive than the beautiful scenery and lovely climate, was the wonderfully warm hospitality and friendliness of the Hawaiian people.

DENNIS IN HAWAII, a magazine published and copyright 1958 by Hallden Publications, Inc. 163 Pratt Street, Meriden, Conn. All rights reserved. Names of all characters used in cartoons, stories and articles are fictitious. If the name of any living person or existing institution is used, it is a coincidense. Summer, 1958. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A.
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