Europe by Clipper
Pan American World Airways
The World's Most Experienced Airline
How many times have you dreamed of a trip to Europe? A tour of the fascinating, historic cities of London, Paris, Rome? A gay and glamorous vacation on the Riviera, with its warm sun sparkling on the blue Mediterranean? Or high among the towering Alps of Switzerland in some cozy resort chalet, with ski runs dipping breathlessly away in all directions.
How often have you dreamed it — and pushed the dream to the back of your mind against some future daymerely because Europe seemed so inaccessible — demanding long periods of travel time and substantial sums of money? But would you change your mind if Europe were as close as tomorrow? If you could make the trip overseas — spend as many as 15 days abroad — and return, all in the space of two weeks plus weekends? And if the cost were so low as to surprise you? Would you feel differently about that dream trip if such were the case?
Then why wait? Go now! Let Pan American show you the way!
IMAGINE yourself in Europe tomorrow. Fantastic? Not at all. If your passport were in order and your baggage packed it could come true — by Clipper. For this is the Age of Air and it opens up new vistas for vacations. Now, it's entirely possible to see Europe in the space of an ordinary two-week vacation — and spend all that time abroad. No time is wasted in tedious surface methods of travel. You leave the States tonight and you're in Europe tomorrow! And you'll save money as well as time, for Pan American Clipper fares actually cost less than First Class steamship accommodations. What's more, you save in tips, in extra clothing and en route incidentals. Add up all these savings of time and money and you can see for your, self that the finest way to go to Europe is by Pan American Clipper!
See a Travel Agent — soon! Let him show you how easily you can make your dream come true.
You'll Love Your Live Aloft

The pleasant sociability of the beautifully appointed lower deck lounge gives added zest to Double-Decked Clipper travel.
HERE you are, climbing high into the sky, cradled in the comfort of your deeply cushioned lounge chair. A smiling, efficient stewardess has taken your hat and coat, your overnight case is tucked beneath your seat, the rest of your ample 66-pound baggage allowance carefully stowed in the cargo compartment. You lean back, completely relaxed, and watch the earth drop slowly away, a patch, work quilt of town and countryside. Or, if it's night, a velvet blackness jewelled by a million lights. You're off! On the start of a thrilling trip, aboard the world's finest transportation ... a Pan American Clipper.
After the first thrill of take-off, you'll begin to take more notice of your surroundings. The spaciousness of the cabin is surprising, the harmonious colors are restful and soothing to the eye. The quiet, too, is amazing — the mighty roar of the powerful engines dimmed to a purr by efficient soundproofing. If yours is a Double-Decked Clipper, you've a pleasant special surprise in store. Just about amidships on the port side (that's left aboard a Clipper) is a small circular staircase. At its foot on the lower deck, is a lounge — a captivating, intimate sort of place — seating 14 people in a horseshoe arrangement. Beneath the staircase is a built-in bar. It's the perfect setting for a convivial cocktail before dinner.
In both main cabin and lounge a holiday spirit prevails. Perfect strangers chat easily with each other in the clublike atmosphere. No reserve of ice to break — there's a feeling that people who travel by Clipper are the sort you'd like to know.
A Smooth Way to Travel — in More Ways than One

Delicious meals are expertly served by the cabin attendants. No extra charge — and the food is really outstanding.
EVEN in summer, surface travel is apt to be somewhat uncomfortable. But Winter or Summer, all is calm and serene in the upper air. And as your Clipper cruises smoothly along high above the weather, you'll be as comfortable as in your own living room. Complete airconditioning maintains a pleasant temperature. And whether you're on the ground, or 15,000 feet up, you'll never notice the difference in altitude. Clipper cabins are pressurized and altitude discomfort is done away with.
Outside your picture window is a scenic wonderland, to keep your eyes and camera busy. Changing shapes of cotton puff clouds, the deep endless blue of the sky. And far below, a dream world of ragged coastline, feathery breakers and whitecaps. And tiny toylike ships, inching their laborious miles along. Fascinating — and yours to enjoy when you travel by Clipper.
Your Wish Is Our Command
ABOARD a Clipper, you're the King, or Queen, as the case may be. Pan American's cabin attendants are aboard for one purpose — to make this trip the most pleasant you've ever taken. They'll be glad to bring you magazines, writing materials, between-meal snacks and answer any questions which may come to mind. The Purser is a handy man with a cocktail shaker, too. In short, whatever you desire, just press the call buzzer and one or another of the cabin attendants will be at your side in a moment. And you won't be expected to tip.

Comfort is the keynote in roomy main cabins. Plenty of leg room for the tallest people and chairs that adjust at a touch to suit your mood.
Dinner — In High Style
MEALTIME aboard a Clipper is truly an occasion. Excitement-whetted appetites are appeased with the finest of food, pre, pared in spotless galleys. If you happen to be aboard a "President" flight, for instance, you'll dine in the Continental manner. Seven full courses with accompanying wines. And champagne. You'll be deftly served, on individual tables, with snowy-white linen, china and cut, lery in keeping. But that's not all. Aboard the "President" you may, if you wish, and if you'll tell us the night before, have your breakfast served in bed. Luxury indeed! And remember, on every Clipper, meals are yours without extra charge.
Sleep — For Everyone
ON PAN AMERICAN'S Double-Decked Clippers a full sized berth, larger even than Mr. Pullman's, can be yours at a slight extra charge, if you wish. And on "President" flights Pan American's exclusive Sleeperette*, the seat which converts to a lounge bed, costs nothing extra. A simple adjustment and the foam rubber seat back lowers to a nearly horizontal position, while a comfortable leg rest pulls out full length. And the movable center arm rest adjusts to seat level, giving you room for your favorite sleeping position. Aboard every Clipper your deeply cushioned lounge chair can be inclined to a sleep-inducing angle. Pillow and blankets are provided by the stewardess and away you drift to the Land of Nod, dreaming peacefully among the twinkling stars.
A man of many parts, the purser not only prepares food for serving in the spotless galley, but mixes marvelous cocktails, too.
When the morning sun pokes his rays through your window and it's time to rise and shine, you'll find spacious dressing rooms available. Plenty of room for freshening up, big mirrors, stainless steel fixtures, and the stewardess can supply replacements if you've forgotten your toothbrush, paste or aftershave lotion. All in all, it's been a perfect trip, hasn't it? And now, keep a sharp lookout from your window, for in a matter of minutes your destination will be coming into view.

Berths are full sized and super-soft — an invitation to refreshing slumber. Perhaps it's the soothing drone of the engines which lulls you to sleep so swiftly.
You can suit yourself as to the type of tour you wish to take. And if the prearranged, "package" tours are not to your liking, a Travel Agent will be glad to help you plot an itinerary. He knows Europe — knows accommodations, transportation, places of interest. He can help with information on necessary travel documents, through ticketing, all kinds of advance arrangements.
Of course, if you're a seasoned European traveler, you know the spots to visit. And perhaps you have a particular destination in mind — because of relatives or friends you want to visit. But if this is your first trip abroad and you're more or less footloose and fancy-free, you might do well to join a group of some sort, in a Guided or All Expense Tour. There are several concerns whose sole purpose is to make sure that travelers in Europe get the most for their time, by seeing places which have proved their popularity over the years. And their services cover trips of both long and short duration, to city after city, country after country, resort after resort. Such tour operators will handle the whole trip for you, take care of annoying details such as most tips and local taxes, customs regulations, the puzzling business of timetables and schedules, language difficulties and the ever-present problems of hotel reservations.
Take Advantage of Off Season-Fares
FROM October through April, you can save as much as 25% in round-trip Clipper fares. And it works out nicely in the case of many destinations. To take just one instance, while this offseason fare rate is in effect, the season itself is very much on in the South of France. For the social whirl on the Riviera is at its height during-the winter months. And Pan American flies direct to Nice. In addition, there's a generous 60-day time allowance on these reduced fare tickets — ample time to tour Europe at your leisure.
Your Choice of How to Go ...
WITH Pan American's choice of alternate routes, there's no hard and fast determination of where you enter Europe. In fact, there are seven different Pan American Gateways from which to choose. Enter at Shannon, Gateway to Ireland and the British Isles; London, Gateway to the entire Continent; or Brussels, Gateway to Central Europe. If you prefer, come into Europe by the Southern Gateways of Lisbon, Barcelona or Marseilles, or Nice, Gateway to the Riviera. And it's easily arranged to enter through one Gateway and leave by another. You'll see more of Europe, have more variety, enjoy yourself to the utmost.
... And When To Go
No need to plot and plan your vacation to fit the vagaries of steamer schedules. Pan American's giant Clippers leave for Europe every day. Even the "President", Pan American's super-deluxe, extra-fare flight, leaves direct for London several times each week. All you do is call your nearest Pan American Office for a reservation, or have a Travel Agent do it for you. Leave when you want to ... this week, next week — even tonight!
You 'll Go Farther in Europe — because Your Dollars Will, Too!
ISN'T it nice that the United States has what is called a "hard" currency? For it means that each of your dollars will buy more. A good deal more. In Austria, just for example, the best accommodations can be had for as little as $3.00 a day. While you won't find such to be the case in every country, you will discover that your budget can be stretched to cover more than you'd ever imagined. And under the new customs regulations, returning U.S. citizens can bring back $500 worth of purchases, duty free.

The city of Dublin si the pride of the Iris. Modern, comfortale and bustling, Dublin still retains as individual charm.
There's an Air about Ireland
As you wing your way above the Irish landscape you'll realize how fitting is the name "Emerald Isle". For no other country on earth can boast of those same lovely shades of green. It's a thrilling moment — that first Irish landfall. And then your Clipper glides smoothly in for a landing, brakes gently to a stop — you've arrived! In a moment you'll be meeting your first Irishman. The Irish are different from other people, too. Independent, proud, soft-hearted, gay. And as completely charming as the land they live in.
Only an hour by connecting airline from Shannon, Pan American's Irish Gateway, is the charming chief city of Dublin. As any Irishman can tell you (and probably will), the capital boasts the widest main street and largest brew, ery in the world. But these are only two features of a city ripe with historic and artistic attractions. Wander through beautiful Phoenix Park, visit the mu, seums and Trinity College. The food is wonderful in Dublin's fine restaurants . . . no shortages here. And hotels are excellent. For evening entertainment, you can see unequalled acting at either the Gate or Abbey theatres.
Cottages and Castles
Medieval Ireland still remains in ivy covered castles.
FASCINATING though Dublin is, you'll really fall in love with the Irish country, side. Winding roads, trim hedges, small thatched cottages making bright patches of color against their background of green. Fat, grazing cattle, and sleek hogs which provide your breakfast table with bacon such as you've never tasted before. And now and again an ivycovered castle ruin thrusting its old and centuries-greyed battlements into view. Blue lakes and twisting streams — 1200 in all — with some of the world's finest trout fishing — and no license required. And usually there's a country fair or a horse show somewhere within easy reach ... colorful, exciting and typically Irish.
You'll Begin to Believe in Blarney
Ireland's quiet streams have many such peaceful scenes along their banks.
WHETHER or not you dangle by your heels to kiss the famous Blarney Stone, at Blarney Castle, in Cork, you'll be bewitched by Ireland. By Limerick, close to Shannon Airport, the oldest city in either Ireland or England, with ancient castles to prove it. Killarney, a bit farther south, with its gently rolling miles of green hills and beautiful, sparkling lakes.
Mayo and Sligo counties, in the west, wild and ruggedly beautiful. And the haunting, quiet loveliness of Galway Bay. And since Ireland is a deeply religious country, she has her shrines, too. Lough Derg, for instance, in Donegal, and Croagh Patrick, in County Mayo, both scenes of pilgrimage during Holy Year.
All across Ireland you'll be made welcome, urged to stay longer, pressed to come again. That's the way the Irish are, friendly, hospitable, lovable. You'll have fun in Ireland.
You'll feel at home in England
Largest in the World — That's London
THOUGH the biggest of all cities, there are no skyscrapers to be seen in London. But what she lacks in height, she makes up in breadth and width, sprawling out over an area of 691 square miles and holding a population of more than 8½ million.
Big as she is, you'll feel right at home. The language is familiar, the place names are remembered, bringing back studies of Shakespeare, Doctor Johnson, Dickens. History takes you by the hand as you stand in the Tower of London, where royal prisoners were held and even executed. Or as you sit in the very coffee shop where literary giants of another age once gathered.
There are "pubs" with fascinating names, Elephant and Castle, Cock and Bull, The Man With A Load of Mischief, all with their separate bars for different classes of people. And of course, their never-ending games of darts. Although wartime damage was heavy and many landmarks were destroyed, there are hundreds left to claim your interest. Buckingham Palace and the Changing of the Guard, (even born Londoners throng to this colorful spectacle at 10:30 every morning); West, minster Abbey, where every English King has been crowned since 1066 and where the graveyard is the burying place for men of immortal fame. Close by the Abbey are the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, overlooking the many-bridged and bustling Thames. And a block or so away the grim, grey buildings of New Scotland Yard.
The mighty walls of Windsor Castle have watched the procession of English kings since 1272
Just up Whitehall from the Yard is Downing Street, with its famous Number 10, the political nerve center of the Empire. Britain's greatest admiral, Nelson, stands in effigy atop his mighty column in Trafalgar Square, flanked by the celebrated Church of St. Martin'sin-the-Fields and the National Gallery, containing art treasures by such masters as Van Eyck, Goya, Velasquez, Holbein, Reynolds and Gainsborough.
By day, the shops of Piccadilly and the Circus are the commercial heartbeat of Central London. By night the Circus is ablaze with light and gay with throngs of people. Soho is the spot for quaint, out-of-the-way dining — the West End for napkin-whisking smartness and sophistication. There are theatres, too — world famous, like the Drury Lane and the Old Vic, or Covent Garden, an opera house in the middle of the market district.
Week End in the Country
BRITONS love their week ends in the country and when you've seen the lush English countryside, you'll share their feelings. Villages are picturesque, with half-timbered houses and twisting streets. Cozy cottages peer cautiously from behind neatly trimmed hedges. And now and again you'll catch sight of some tremendous baronial hall, with acres of lawn sweeping every direction and even a deer park on the grounds. Perhaps you'll see a fox hunt-the hounds in full cry, the scarlet-coated riders flashing across country, over hedge and ditch and hill. And as you round a turn of the road, or crest a rise, you'll come upon some great stone cas, tle, such as Warwick, or in Kent see the tremendous towers of Canterbury thrusting at the sky. In central England, you'll find Stratford-on-Avon, where you can stroll in Shakespeare's footsteps along the quiet, winding river — attend a performance in the beautiful new Memorial Theatre. Motor down through Devon, famous for its straw, berries and rich cream, or Cornwall, land of King Arthur and his knights. Stop at some quaintly named, thatch-roofed inn for tea. In this fortunate corner of England the climate is kissed by the Gulf Stream, and the mild result is "England's Riviera." Visit England's great Universities, Oxford, in a quaint Elizabethan town some fifty miles from London. Or Cambridge, whose grey stone buildings and lovely grounds look out across the banks of the quiet River Cam.
Par from his beloved sea, Nelson stands atop his column in busy Trafalgar Square.
Sports Are an English Specialty
THE ENGLISH are sportsmen through and through. In every part of England you'll find facilities for golf and tennis, fishing and shooting. There is swimming at sea, side resorts like Brighton, sailing at Cowes. And spectator sports are legion. Horse racing at Epsom Downs, the tennis matches at Wimbledon. Soccer, rugby, cricket, boxing, dog-racing. Just name your favorite sport, you're bound to find it in Britain.

Take a fling at the
FROM any of the many resorts in England's beautiful Lake Country, Winder, mere, Keswick and others, you can look across to the Scottish Highlands. Every bit as wild and rugged looking as Scott and Stevenson described them, their craggy majesty is often crowned by mighty castles such as Glamis, Highland home of the Queen. You'll remember the beauty of the Trossachs, too, and the Lochs — Lomond, Katrine and the others. High on a hill, looking out to the North Sea, sits Edinburgh, Queen City of Scotland, with Edinburgh Castle highest of all. And directly across Scotland from Edinburgh, lies Glasgow, where some of the world's mightiest ships were born. If time permits, take a boat through the Caledonian Canal and the famed Scottish Firths to the Isle of Harris, famous for its tweed. And visit awesome Fin, gals Cave, on the rock island of Staffa.

is Fascinating . . .
Fun . . .
and French!
Your pulse will beat faster in Paris
NOWHERE else on earth will you find people exactly like the French. Voluble, volatile, artistic, temperamental. Only one word can describe them . . . French. Their national capital also defies description. Paris is more than a city — it is also a state of mind.

Perhaps you'll purchase an original oil at a sidewalk art gallery.
There's always a section of Paris to fit your feelings of the moment. Sit in a sidewalk cafe, on any one of the Grand Boulevards, and watch the kaleidoscope of Parisian life flow past. Wander through the quaint, twisting, narrow streets and across the graceful bridges that span the Seine. Watch sidewalk artists ply their trade. Visit the beautiful flowers and fountains of the Tuileries. Or spend thrilling hours among the fabulous art treasures of the world, famous Louvre.
Right Bank, Left Bank, All Around the Town
OF COURSE, you'll want to see the Latin Quarter, where student artists of all nations come to paint and learn. And the Montmartre and Montparnasse sections for Parisian night life at its gayest. There are landmarks to see, too, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Bastille, the Church of the Madeleine, the Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower. And what would a trip to Paris be, without a visit to the salon of at least one famous fashion designer? Mealtime in Paris can be an adventure, too, for this is the fountainhead of the finest in cuisine. The great and famous restaurants — the smaller and lesser known houses — all have their specialties, with that Gallic touch. French wines, of course, are served with the meal. No one in France drinks water at mealtime.
On the outskirts of Paris, within easy reach, are places with names that loom large in history. Versailles, with its gardens and chateau, where Louis XIV held court; Fontainbleau and the Palace of Napoleon, plus a magnificent forest. Compeigne, where the Armistice was signed after World War I; the cathedral at Reims; Chateau-Thierry, famous American battleground and museum.
Chateau Country
OUTSIDE Paris is another France, of peaceful countryside, carefully tended vineyards, diligently tilled farms. And to the south of Paris, the country of the chateaux. Beautiful, blending closely with their surroundings, the Chateaux of the Loire afford an architectural picture of France through the centuries. Some of the most famous and loveliest are the chateaux of Ambois, Blois, Chenonceaux, Chambord, Cheverney, Langeais and Loches. Orleans, site of Joan of Arc's great victory, is in this section, too. At Normandy, the invasion beaches have been maintained just as they were on D-day, explosives alone removed, as a memorial to Allied dead. And close by, in Lisieux, is another sort of shrine, that of the Little Flower of Jesus. This great religious shrine and the equally famous Grotto at Lourdes, are destinations for thousands of pilgrims during Holy Year.

Paris after dark is mistress of every type of entertainment.

Relax on the Riviera
STAY and play on the Cote d'Azure. Here, year in and year out, a warm, caressing sun shines down on the glittering towns and beaches of Nice, Cannes and the Casino at Monte Carlo. And on the glittering people — eastern potentates, millionaires, movie stars, sophisticates from every corner of the globe. You swim, sail, laze in the sun. Play golf, take your chances at the Casino, join in gay carnivals. And enjoy yourself to the fullest. Should the glamour spots prove too much for you, or for your pocketbook, there are many smaller, less expensive towns along this magnificent coast. If you raise your eyes to the inland horizon, you can see the towering peaks of the Maritime Alps — winter sports area of France. The gay resorts — Chamonix, Annecy, Briancon and others — are headquarters for mountain climb, ing in summer, and for some wonderful skiing in winter.

The quaint fishing ports of Brittany still follow a way of life almost unchanged for centuries.
There's a speical warmth to Spain
SPAIN is a land of contrast. A land where in a few hours you can be transported from mountain fastnesses of perpetual snow to the languorous scent of orange groves. Where life is casual and leisurely, or tuned to the excitement of the fiesta or the bull ring. Spain has a natural charm and beauty, it is a country which invites relaxation. And its heart is the Spanish capital, Madrid.
Life is Mellow in Madrid
ALMOST in the geographical center of Spain, built on a plateau to take advantage of a pleasant year-round climate, is the city of Madrid. The food and hotels are the equal of anything in Europe. There are sights to be seen in plenty, the National Palace; the Plaza Mayor, main square of Madrid, with its imposing government buildings; the Prado Museum, one of the most important picture galleries in the world; beautiful Retiro Park, with magnificent rose gardens, graceful fountains and a tremendous lake. El Escorial, outside Madrid, is a beautiful museum and monastery. For contrast, surrender yourself to life as it is lived in Madrid. You'll find the night life strange, but interesting — clubs open at 11 P.M. and after the theatre and dinner it is customary to go visiting.
Viva El Toro
You haven't really seen Spain until you've been to a bull fight. Nearly every city has its ring and its favorite matador. And everyone, young and old, turns out for the fights. Bull fights are the national pastime. The color and pageantry are magnificent, the grace and poetry of motion of the matadors beyond belief. A bull fight in Spain is a spectacle you can't afford to miss.
The thrilling spectacle of the bullring is a panoram of color and excitement.
The Mountain and the Plain

The Palace of Communications in Madrid.
The postoffice is here and the building is known as "Our Lady of Letters".

Spain is a deeply religious country, as evidenced by her many beautiful cathedrals. The Holy Family Church, Barcelona.
ALL along the northern border of Spain rear the mighty ramparts of the Pyrenees, snowcapped the year round, a paradise for winter sports enthusiasts. And for hunters, too, who wish to try their luck at tracking the wily chamois in this craggy home. Motoring along the Pyrenees is a continuing succession of surprises, as the vistas change with startling swiftness from a panorama of jagged, fantastic peaks to a sweep of gentle, lovely valleys.
Down in the Spanish plains are mile after mile of thriving orchards, olive and orange groves. And lovely cities, such as Seville, with the famous Torre Bermeja, magnificent cathedral and the Alcazar, residence of Moorish Sultans long ago. The Moors left many beautiful examples of their highly developed architectural skill in this section of Spain. On the edge of the Mediterranean lies Barcelona, chief port of Spain. A beau, tiful city and winter resort, Barcelona, on the route of the Clippers, is also the site of the Monastery of Montserrat, in the mountains outside the city. This is the location of the shrine of the Black Virgin, visited by many pilgrims during Holy Year. In Valencia, every season seems to be spring. Orange, lemon, olive, fig and palm grow here in profusion, blending their different shades of foliage in a beautiful pattern. Farther south along the coast is Malaga, sometimes called the Spanish Riviera. And offshore, Majorca, which some people believe to be the most beautiful island resort in the world.

Moorish architecture is a gracefulheritage from the ancient rulers of southern Spain.

Portugal where the Air is like wine — and the wine is wonderful

PORTUGAL was once one of the greatest maritime nations. Her navigators, adventurers and explorers visited all corners of the world. And brought a cosmopolitan flavor home to Lisbon, where it still remains. Lisbon is a Pan American Gateway and you'll hear all languages spoken, see people of all nationalities in this continental crossroad. Hotels are marvelous, food superb and the wine, of course, sensational. Visit the old Moorish Castle and that part of the Old City which is adjacent. The Coach Museum has one of the most amazing collections of vehicles you'll ever see. There's a fabulous beach resort, too — the Estoril.

Drive out to the Douro Valley, home of port wine, its strict, formal terracing is an amazing sight. Visit the fabulous cork forests, or take an automobile ride along the mountain tops from Lisbon to Setubal, with glittering beaches and blue sea far below on one side and Portugal spread beneath you on the other. Sintra, not far from Lisbon, has Moorish ruins, beautiful country estates and the castles of the last Portuguese kings. Stay in what was once the king's hunting lodge, at Bussaco, in the north. Now it is a marvelous hotel, surrounded by miles of beautiful scenery.
Pan American's Routes are Your Gateways to Pleasure
A GLANCE at this map will show you how Pan American routes and those of associated carriers reach to every corner of Europe. The best way to visit any place on the continent is to go via Pan American, in Clipper comfort. Clipper stops are strategically located, with places of interest in mind. From them, you'll find ready access to historic towns or landmarks, resort areas, winter sports playgrounds, holy shrines, big cities. You can see more of Europe the Pan American way — spend less time getting about — more time in pleasure.
Continue Around the World
PAN AMERICAN passengers may continue their travels eastward or westward around the world, if they wish, from any point on the system. The Pan American World Airways System offers a variety of routings covering the fascinating countries of the Far East, Asia, Australia and the beautiful islands of the Pacific. And including transcontinental passage in the United States via connecting airlines. You can go in Clipper comfort all the way, for Pan American is the only airline flying regularly to all six continents. See a Travel Agent for full details.
Belgium's really bustling

In Bruges, your taxi may be a boat.
In Brussels; another of Pan Amer ican's Gateways to Europe, you'll ad mire the great Market Square and Bel gium's pride, the beautiful Hotel de Ville. And enjoy some of the finest food on the Continent. Also worthy of your time are the Palace of Justice, the Cathedral and the unique Wiertz, Museum. Belgium has a religious shrine, too, scene of many Holy Year Pilgrimages, the Chappelle du Saint-Sang, in Bruges, medieval city of bridges, where are preserved three drops of Christ's Holy Blood. Antwerp is the largest port in Europe, though 56 miles from the sea. There are thirty solid miles of docks along the Schelde River which links Antwerp to the ocean. In southeast Belgium, in the forest of Ardennes, is the city of Bastogne, almost completely restored, and officially known as the "Nuts" City, from General McAuliffe's famous answer to the Nazi surrender demand.

Holland is a country of flowers.

The traffic is fascinating on Amsterdam's many canals.

Holland is a Dutch Treat
HOLLAND is not all windmills and wooden shoes — but it is picturesque. The tulips are here, of course — and in the Spring the Dutch earth seems to burst with flowers. The town of Boskoop, for instance, has 600 nurseries and is the largest center of horticulture in the world. Amsterdam is a blend of old and new. Twisting streets, quaint shops, gay nightclubs, streamlined department stores. And 300 bridges spanning her ever present canals. Visit Rembrandt's house, diamond cutting workshops, the Royal Palace and the State Museum. Though Amsterdam is the capital, the Hague is where Holland's laws are made. Here too, is the Peace Palace, meeting place of the Court of International Jus- tice. And on The Hague's outskirts is Scheveningen, a gay and popular resort section, with fine hotels, swimming, golf and concerts. Utrecht, near the center of Holland, is a center of religion, science and trade, famous for a magnificent cathedral. Haarlem has the Frans Hals Museum and the beach resort of Zandvoort, plus an unbelievable riot of flowers in springtime. And wonderful Delft Blue was born, of course, in the midget city of Delft.
Luxembourg is tiny — but!
THE fortress of Luxembourg once con, sidered the most impregnable in Europe, an inland Gibraltar ... survives only in many breath-taking views. For there is nothing warlike about Luxembourg now. The Grand Duchy is completely charming and romantic, with a fairy tale at mosphere. Yet progressive and modern in its way of life. Prices for everything are surprisingly moderate and the food is something you will never forget. You'll want to try more than one of the marvelous restaurants. But be prepared to be overwhelmed, for the menus are terrific.

Stockholm is a lovely city — and sparkling clean.

Sweden's Gripsholm Castle has an amazing armory and a portrait gallery of European royalty.
Skoal! to Scandinavia
NORWAY, Sweden and Denmark are three of the nicest countries you'll visit on your tour of Europe. In all three the cities are spotless, the people are friendly and the scenery marvelous. Perhaps the lakes and waterways of Sweden, the breathtaking beauty of Norwegian Fjords and mountains, offer more spectacular sights than does Denmark, but you'll never forget the infectious good humor of the Danes, or their beautiful city of Copenhagen. Perhaps you'll see Copenhagen from a bicycle, along with what seems like the majority of the Danish population. And visit Tivoli, by all means. In the center of Copenhagen, it's a combination of all the best things in amusement parks, with open air theatres, concerts and good restaurants. See Amalienborg Castle, for the colorful ceremony when the guard is changed at noon; the hustle and bustle and color of the Fish Market, and at Rosenborg Castle, peek at the fabulous Crown jewels. For a side trip, walk the walls where the ghost of Hamlet's father trod, at Kronberg Castle in Elsinore.
There's a Fjord in your future
Stockholm, the Swedish capital, is a lovely old city built half on the mainland and half on islands. Bridges and waterways are everywhere and the beautiful Town Hall seems afloat in Lake Malar. Just outside Stockholm is Drottingholm Palace, a medieval wonder. And a short distance by electric train, or by boat through the Swedish archipelago, is Saltsjobaden, a beautiful resort, perfect for a day's outing in summer and a ski paradise in winter. If time allows, take a cross country boat ride ... a three day journey through the lakes and locks of the Gota Canal, peaceful, lovely and relaxing beyond belief. If you're a ski enthusiast, both Sweden and Norway will be your idea of heaven. Enjoy the resort at Are in Sweden, a modest trip by rail from Stockholm, and the spectacular mountain scenery at Riksgransen, where the ski season lasts into June. Or Holmenkollen, 1000 feet up above Oslo, Norway's capital. Telemarken, also in Norway, is a skier's shrine, where the populace is practically born on skis. In Oslo, dine outdoors in the Park to stirring concert music, while you gaze at the exciting vista of the Royal Palace. On Bygdoy Peninsula, outside the city, is a replica of an ancient Norse Village and three ancient Viking ships rescued from burial grounds where they were placed over a thousand years ago. But foremost of all in Norway, the one thing you must see is a fjord. Slashing jaggedly into the mountains, mile after mile, these ocean-deep waterways afford some of the most spectacular scenery in the entire world. Take a steamer trip through one — any one — or you can't say you've really seen Norway.
One of the most majestic vistas you'll ever see —
a Norwegian fjord.
Follow the Rhine through Germany
THE opening of Germany to tourists is still a fairly recent development and requirements for a visit are a bit more technical than for other countries. In addition to your passport a Military Permit must be obtained, in advance. Apply to the Military Permit Office, Washington, D. C. A smallpox vaccina, tion certificate is also required. Since only Deutschmarks are legal tender in Germany, a currency control book will be issued to you upon entry, and each conversion of your money into Deutschmarks recorded.
Though badly battered, Berlin has come far on the road to recovery and is well worth a visit. Recreate in your imagination the past glory of Unter den Linden. Gaze at the shattered ruins of once-imposing Government buildings. You'll be amazed at the destruction — and at the signs of recovery. Berlin is still the heart of Germany.
River Road

Majestic Heidelburg Castle overlooks the famous University town.

The beautiful Rhine valley is the source of countless German folk tales.
ALWAYS a main artery of German commerce, the Rhine is one of the most beautiful rivers in the world. Along its banks are majestic ruins of once-mighty castles and every turn of its course brings another beautiful panorama into view as it wanders through the historic countryside. Pay a visit to Frankfort, a Clipper stop, the city where Goethe was born. See the legendary home of the Lorelei, the romantic Rhine valley. Imagine yourself as a companion of the Student Prince at Heidelburg, largest of all German Castles. The University once rang to the clash of sabers. And a pill-box hat and stein song were the marks of a Heidelburg man. At Cologne, 1900 years old in 1950, is the famous Cathedral, a triumph of Gothic architecture. All along the Rhine are welltended vineyards, carefully barbered landscapes of forest and farm. And from the river bottom the storied Rhine, gold seems still to gleam.
Bavarian Beauty

IN the south of Germany is the province of Bavaria, whose Alps provide scenes of indescribable beauty. Waterfalls dash down the forest-crested mountain side, slip beneath the road over which you ride and burst forth again in mad career on the other side. Berchtesgaden is here, Hitler's infamous eyrie. Nymphen- berg Castle, too, and many quaint and colorful towns. Most famous, perhaps, is Oberammergau, where the Passion Play is presented between May 21st and September 21st. Thousands of people flock from all over the world to see this imposing pageant, in which nearly the entire village population takes part.
Switzerland — where the scenery steals the show

You'll fall in love with Zermatt, in the very shadow of the mighty Mattherhorn.

The city of Geneva nestles close to the shores of its lake.
WINTER or summer, Switzerland is a playground without peer. In summer, Alpine meadows have carpets of bright flowers; in winter, St. Peter, patron saint of skiers, blankets the ground with deep layers of the finest powder snow. And the Alps are everywhere. In fact, the entire horizon is a mass of cloudscraping peaks. You'll fall in love with the quaint, toy-like villages, with picturesque chalets balanced at dizzy heights. Electric trains run in every direction, scale the peaks, descend into valleys, skirt the lakes. And wherever you alight, there's always a cozy inn to welcome you. There are lovely cities like Lucerne, reflected from the blue of its lake; sunny, spectacular Locarno, snuggled at the upper end of Lake Maggiore. Lake Constance has its castles, quaint villages and orchards; Lake Geneva, with its famed Castle of Chillon and the city of Geneva, smartly modern, and home of the League of Nations Buildings. Berne is like an illustration from a fairy tale, with turreted buildings along the banks of the River Aare. But overpowering everything are the Alps. Make their acquaintance at Zermatt, where the Matterhorn is a member of the family and the round, about ridges are all at least 13,000 feet in height. Or south, toward Italy, in the glamorous, world-renowned resorts of Davos and St. Moritz. Skiing, of course, is the top winter sport. Skis can be rented or bought anywhere and the railroads will transport them for you free of charge. Switzerland is perfect for photography, too, and is one place in Europe where good film is easily come by. Per, — haps you'll bring home a Swiss clock, cuckoo type, or a real Swiss music box. Remember your increased Customs allow, ance. Watches, naturally, are inexpen- sive. So are accommodations. And the food is wonderful. You'll want to stay in Switzerland forever.

Towering mountains make a backdrop for pcituresque villages.
Across the Alps to Italy

YOU'LL make better time than Hannibal, your reception will be more pleasant, and the results will be reversed. For Italy will conquer you. From the Alpine lake country to the Strait of Messina, you'll be entranced. All across the top of the Italian "boot" are Alps. And in amongst the spurs of these towering granite castles lie the Italian lakes — calm blue mirrors of startling beauty, ringed with attractive resorts, parks and villas. Lake Garda — along its western shore, is one of the most beautiful drives in Europe. Lake Maggiore, and the resorts of Stresa and Pallanza; Lake Como and the playspots of Bellagio and Menaggio. Golfing, fishing, or simply relaxing in the bright Italian sun, any or all of the Italian lakes are marvelous. Close to the border of France, is the Val D'Aosta, a vista of beauty, with medieval castles and the highest mountains in Europe at hand. Florence, the "Renaissance City," where Michelangelo left his immortal mark, is in the north, as are the great Italian cities of Turin and Milan. The famous Cathedral at Milan survived the war intact and da Vinci's "Last Supper" can be seen in the Church of Santa Madonna delle Grazie. Here too, is La Scala Opera house, Italy's Temple of Song. Turin has a famous cathedral, too, with Christ's Holy Shroud displayed for public veneration during Holy Year.

Venice cannot be resisted. You'll glide through its liquid "streets" in a gondola, wander charming byways, cross the stone bridges, the Bridge of Sighs, the Rialto. And be awestruck as you come suddenly upon St. Mark's Square, the tremendous church and its famous facade, gold dome, and bronze horses; the magnificent Doges Palace and the Campanile. And, of course, the pigeons. Directly across Italy is Genoa, birthplace of Columbus, and stretching away on either side of the city, the sunkissed Italian Riviera, whose most famous resorts are glamorous San Remo and Portofino.
Where All Roads Lead
WHAT can be said about Rome? On every hand, the centuries whisper the tales of history. You sleep peacefully in a modern hotel, while not far away rise the ruins of the Colosseum, where Christians died to amuse the Caesars. You dine in a superb restaurant, in the same city where persecuted martyrs huddled starving in the stygian reaches of the Catacombs. You walk the Appian Way, where Rome's haughty legions tramped; the Pantheon, where the ancient Romans worshipped their pagan gods; the Forum and the Palatine Hill.

The Vatica guard is a colorful troop.

This amphitheatre once echoed to the shouts of thousands.

Small white steamers ply the lovely Italian lakes.
State Within A State

There's an irrestible charme to romantic Isle of Capr.
VATICAN CITY is, factually, a country within a country. The Pope is absolute monarch and the Vatican is as politically separate from Italy as though the narrow wall which divides it from Rome were three thousand miles of ocean. St. Peter's, the largest church in the world, will leave you breathless. Michelan- gelo's dome has a sweep and grandeur unequalled on earth. In the Vatican Library priceless manuscripts are preserved and the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel are world renowned. And perhaps as the crowning touch to your visit, a public audience with the Pope himself may be arranged. St. Peter's is one of the four great Basilicas where the faith, ful from all over the world pray daily for the Holy Year intentions. St. Paul's Outside the Walls, St. John Lateran, and the largest of all the churches which honor the Blessed Virgin, St. Mary Major, are the other three. But Rome is not the only Italian City which holds shrines attracting masses of pilgrims during Holy Year. Just north of Rome is Assisi, birthplace of St. Francis, and the Double Church containing his tomb. And on the coast of the Adriatic, near Ancona, Loreto and the Shrine of the Virgin Home. Still farther north is Padua and St. Anthony's Basilica, rich in works of art depicting his miracles.
South to Sicily

This massive tomb was erected as the final resting place for the Roman Emperor Hadrian.
SOUTH of Rome lies Naples and its famous Bay, with the great volcano Vesuvius. Sorrento, with its wonderful climate and grandiose view of the bay , of Naples, is also departure point for a trip to the fabulous Isle of Capri. Here ! too, begins the beautiful scenic drive along the Amalphitan coast, stretching as far as Salerno. In spots the road is cut into the face of the cliffs, with columnar sections of rock seeming to give the effect of mile-long porticos bordering the endless blue reaches of the sea.
Just across the Strait of Messina is Sicily, dominated by the mighty volcano of Etna. Even in January, swimming is pleasant at the superb residential resort of Taormina, with Etna as a towering background.
Austria and Vienna
BEAUTIFUL Vienna, once more the music capital of Europe, once more practising the fine art of living that has distinguished it through the centuries, again offers the most rewarding of experiences to overseas visitors.

A church spire towers above the roof tops of Vienna.
Food is no longer rationed, and de- valuation has made Austria one of the least expensive countries in which to visit. Vienna has long been famed in song and story as one of the most charming cities of the Continent and its fame is richly deserved. But Vienna is only one of Austria's many attractions. In festive Salzburg, sunny Carinthia, the lakes and forests of Styria, the Alpine provinces of Vorarlberg and Tyrol the gay folk life, the light-hearted charm of Austria continues unchanged. In these sections, Austria is a Romberg operetta come to life. Storybook villages, costumed people, lively folk dancing, merry song, wonderful wines are all part of Austria's unique charm. Revel in the immortal music of the Salzburg Festival, held during late July and August. Visit the galleries, palaces, castles of Innsbruck, Klagenfurt and Graz.

Scenes such as this make the winter sports enthusiast's pulse beat faster.

There's always a quaint village just around the turn.
Linger in famed inns like The Golden Eagle of Goethe fame, the much sung about White Horse Inn at St. Wolfgang, the Post in St. Anton. Relax while you take the cure in Badgastein's radioactive springs. In the mountain resorts, wonderful skiing can be enjoyed from Christmas through Easter. For sheer enjoyment of life, for dramatic scenery, for an eager and sincere welcome, Austria is unsurpassed.
Since Austria is an Occupied Zone, requirements for entry are almost identical with those of Germany, including the Military Permit.


A festival day brings out colorful costumes, even on city streets.

At Prague, the Vltava flows under a succession of bridges.
PRAGUE is one of the queenly cities of the world, with many examples of lovely architecture. One of the most famous is the Prague Castle, where the Czech Kings once lived, now the residence of the President. The old Town Hall, partly burned by the Germans, is also well-known, as is the Charles Bridge, and the view of the Castle from the Vltava embankment. Only a short way from Prague is the romantic medieval castle of Karlstejn. Take a steamer trip on the river Vltava, upstream to the great Vrane Dam, or downstream to the castle of Melnik and the miles of vine, yards. Hike through the dim aisles of the Carpathian Forests, in the high Tatra Mountains, descend into the underground wonderland of the endless Moravian Caves, some of them still unexplored. Southeast Moravia is famous for its folklore and bright peasant costumes. In Slovakia, the Danube, blue and beautiful, flows by interesting Bratislava. And on its banks near Komarno, a fort which defended Western Europe for centuries, are the remains of an ancient Roman camp.

Trukey a Turkish Delight

Modern architecture rises side by side with that of the ancient East.

TURKEY may well surprise you, with her modern ways, but Istanbul, formerly Constantinople, will enchant you. An international crossroad city, where West and East have met and mingled, Istanbul sits looking out across the beautiful blue Bosporus. The skyline is fascinating, with mosques and minarets against the sky, side by side with the most modern of office buildings. The dazzling color and remarkable intricacy of ancient Turkish architecture will take your breath away as you stand beneath the towering dome of the Blue Mosque, or the Aya Sophia Mosque, built in the 6th century and now a museum. Surrounding the city are the old Byzantine land walls, a magnificent array.
This is a land of ancient history, and the Istanbul Museum of Antiquities is rich in works of art from ancient Anatolia, Greece, Rome and Byzantium. Even the sarcophagus of Alexander the Great is here. You'll wander through narrow streets, wisteria-domed, sail the bright blue waters of the sea of Marmora. Dine and dance in Western fashion, or sip Turkish coffee to the strains of classical or popular Turkish music.
Only a short distance from Istanbul, by boat and automobile, are the health resorts of Bursa and Yalova. Once capital of Turkey, Bursa holds the tombs of the first great Sultans, enshrined in a gorgeous setting of cherry blossoms and peach trees. Behind Bursa rears the giant crest of Mt. Olympus, a perfect winter playground. On the Southwest Coast of Turkey is the beautiful bay of Izmir (Smyrna), famous for its figs and grapes, site of a great annual International Fair. A trip to the top of Mt. Pagos will repay you with an unforgettable view of the bay. Atop Mt. Pegasus is the castle of Kadife Kale and nearby are the ancient Greek cities of Pergumum and Didymion, where exquisite temple ruins will bring to your mind the artistry of the Hellenic Age.
The recently improved highways and Turkish railways have opened up formerly inaccessible parts of the country. You'll be awed by the strange white crystal terraces formed by calcareous springs at Hierapolis; the majestic waterfalls at Erzurum; the ruggedly beautiful scenery of the Taurus mountains.
The Newest of Nations is in the Holy Land

The very atmosphere crackles with energy in Tel Aviv.

Tel Aviv from the air shows careful planning.
ISRAEL, and Tel Aviv in particular, will astonish you. Here is growing proof of what a determined people can accomplish in the space of a few short years. Tel Aviv is a city bursting with life and energy — a cultural, commercial and industrial center, the heart of a dynamic country. Visit the Tel Aviv Museum, where Israel declared her independence, Habimah, the National Hebrew Theatre, and Industrial House.
Climb historic Mount Carmel, overlooking the growing port of Haifa and the azure bay across which lies Acre, where Richard the Lionhearted camped and fought during the Crusades. Pass newly erected settlements on the way to Nazareth and Tiberias. And stand on the rocky shore and gaze across the Sea of Galilee. Possibly, you may walk the streets of the town of Bethlehem, or explore Jerusalem, the Old City section, the Holy Sepulchre, the Temple Area and Bethesda Fool; climb to the historic top of the Mount of Olives. This is the Holy Land, full of drama, promise and achievement, where on every hand names and places come to life, which before were merely words from the pages of the Scriptures. Since entry requirements are subject to change, it would be well to check with a Travel Agent or Pan American office.
Syria and Lebanon

This dignified cedar is one of the few remaining from the time of Solomon.
IN BEIRUT, you'll feel a thrill of pride as you walk the lovely campus of the American University, looking out across St. George's Bay. And across the bay are the rolling crests of the Lebanon Range, home of King Solomon's Cedars. Near Bsherri, a high-up mountain resort, is a grove of 370 cedars — all that remains of the particular trees mentioned in the Bible. Gaze at the ageless inscriptions, carved in the stone walls along the Dog River, beside Beirut. Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks all carved here the records of their exploits. All along the historic coast, castles built by the Crusaders keep silent watch.
Damascus, the Capital of Syria, is the oldest inhabited city in the world, surrounded by beautiful gardens and impressive mountains. For centuries Damascus has been famous for its exquisite brocade and handcrafts. And for the famous Ommayad Mosque and the Church of St. Joseph. Aleppo, the largest city in Syria and an important commercial center in the Near East, is also rich in historical background.
Travelers may visit the Arabic portion of Jerusalem from Beirut-Damascus, by connecting airline.
Before You Go
Your ideas of where you want to go and what you want to see in Europe quite likely are different from those of other people. And it would be impossible for us to try listing the personal and political contingencies which might arise in any given section of the Continent. There are, however, a number of items of general interest to everyone, which can be applied to almost every country. They are broad generalities, remember, and subject to change locally. So consult a Travel Agent for information on specific points. He has the latest information.
Advice on Visas
THE majority of European countries have relaxed entry requirements to the extent that visas are not required of United States citizens. There are exceptions, such as Spain, Portugal and Czechoslovakia. Germany and Austria, being countries under Occupation Control, have special entry requirements. Turkey, Lebanon and Palestine, in the Near East, also require visas. In all the above cases, however, regulations are subject to change at any time. And probably in the direction of relaxing restrictions. Check a Travel Agent for the newest developments.
What Shall I Wear?
WHAT you should take along in the way of clothing, of course, depends entirely on where you plan to go. In the Scandinavian countries, for instance, even in summer; a seersucker suit or a cotton dress would be more than a little on the light side. On the other hand, you would derive no pleasure from strolling along the banks of the Bosporus clad in Harris tweeds. Conditions vary, of course, but in the main, Britain, France and other countries in that latitude compare climatically with our northeast states. Scandinavian weather is closely allied to Canada's, while the Mediterranean shores are similar to California or Florida. And the Near East approximates southern Texas, along the Gulf of Mexico.
A nice balance to strike in clothing might be a medium weight suit for basic wear and sports type clothes in differing weights for varying times and climes. Ski clothes, too, if you have a bent toward winter sports, although you can purchase excellent outfits on the spot, and probably at less expense. You'll find that Pan American's 66 pound baggage allowance covers a lot of clothing, particularly if your luggage is the lightweight airplane type. One large suitcase should do it, with a smaller overnight case to keep with you on the plane and to take on local jaunts in Europe.
If you intend to travel in Europe a fairly long time and feel the necessity for taking extra baggage, the charge is moderate. And if such baggage includes bulky articles which could be bother, some to handle, you can ship them un, accompanied, by Clipper Cargo, direct to your destination.
The Reservation Situation
THE HOTELS of Europe usually are wellfilled, which makes it almost imperative that you hold confirmed reservations in all cases. It can be far from amusing to find all available space taken when you're a stranger in a foreign land. And your consular officials, while more than ready to help in other matters, are inclined to take a dim view indeed of any "no room in the inn" situation.
If you are taking a guided tour, of course, all such matters will be arranged for you. But if not, take advantage of the services of a Travel Agent. He can take such details off your mind.
The Matter of Money
TRAVELING throughout Europe you'll find the currency situation differs greatly for each country. Some countries allow you to bring in all the U. S. dollars you wish while others put a strict limit on what you may carry across their borders. However, even those countries with no incoming dollar restrictions will check you on the way out, to see that you bring out no more dollars than you brought in. Few countries permit you entrance with more than a nominal amount of their own currency. These restrictions are, of course, to prevent black market purchases of U. S. dollars by which they would be the losers.
Confusing? Really not too much so, but the list below will help clarify the situation country by country. However, you can simplify things greatly for yourself by carrying Travelers Checks. Nearly every country honors them.
AUSTRIA — $1.00 = 25.52 Schillings
Traveler limited to 100 schillings in denomina, tions of less than that amount on entry. U.S. dollars and travelers checks may be imported freely. Schillings are not reconvertible into U.S. dollars.
BELGIUM — $1.00 = SO Francs
Belgian francs, U.S. dollars and travelers checks may be imported freely and when declared and noted in passport on entry qualify balances for export when departing.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA — $1.00 = 50 Crowns
Traveler limited to 500 Crowns in denominations of 50 Crowns or less on entry. U.S. dollars may be freely imported but must be declared on entry to qualify balances for export.
DENMARK — $1.00 = 6.920 Kroner
Traveler limited to 100 Kroner in 10 or 5 kroner notes and coin on entry. No restriction on im- port of other currencies and when declared on entry qualify balances for export when departing.
ENGLAND — $2.80 =1 Pound
Traveler limited to £5 in Sterling Notes on entry. No limitation on U.S. dollars. On departure limited to £5 although balance of sterling funds may be taken out in the form of sterling travelers checks. Also limited on departure to equivalent of £10 in U.S. dollars without prior permission.
FRANCE — $1.00 = 350 Francs
Traveler limited to 40,000 francs on entry. U.S. dollars and travelers checks must be declared on entry and noted in passport. Conversions to francs must be made through approved banks and entries made in passport to qualify remaining dollar funds for export.
GERMANY — $1.00=4.201 Deutschmarks
Travelers limited to 40 Deutschmarks brought in or taken out. No restrictions on amount of U. S. currency brought in. U. S. and Swiss currency freely convertible. Purchases of greater value than 200 Deutschmarks require an export license.
IRELAND — $2.80 =1 Pound
Traveler limited to £5 in Irish pounds or pounds sterling on entry and departure. U.S. dollars and travelers checks may be imported freely but when in excess of equivalent of £10 must be noted in passport on entry to qualify for export.
ITALY — $1.00 = 625 Lire
Traveler limited to 10,000 Lire in denominations of 1,000 or less on entry and departure. U.S. dollars may be imported freely and when declared on entry qualify remaining balances for export.
LEBANON — $1.00 =3.17 Pounds
No restrictions.
NETHERLANDS — $1.00 =3.80 Florins (guilders)
Traveler limited to 30 florins (guilders) in notes and coins on entry. U.S. dollars and travelers checks may be freely imported but must be declared on entry to qualify for export on departure.
NORWAY — $1.00 = 7.14 Kroner
Traveler limited to 50 Kroner on entry. U.S. dollars and travelers checks may be freely imported but must be declared on entry to qualify balance for export on departure.
PORTUGAL — $1.00 = 28.75 Escudos
U.S. currency may be imported freely but must be declared upon entry, and no more may be taken out than is brought in.
SPAIN — $1.00 = 25.00 Pesetas
Peseta notes cannot be taken in or out. U.S. cur, rency freely importable but must be declared on entry and local expenses accounted for to qualify balance for export.
SWEDEN — $1.00 = 5.18 Kroner
Traveler limited to 100 Kroner on entry. U.S. dollars are freely importable if in denominations of $20 or less but must be declared on entry to qualify for export.
SWITZERLAND — $1.00 = 4.30 Francs
No restrictions.
TURKEY — $1.00 =2.81 Lira
U.S. currency freely importable but must be de, clared on entry to qualify balances for export.

Call on the Man Who Can Help You Plan
IF you've never used the services of a Travel Agent before, there's a pleasant surprise in store for you. For he's the person who can help make your travel plans come true — and take the work off your shoulders. He knows travel requirements, passports, visas, etc. He can make all your advance arrangements — through ticketing, hotel reservations — bothersome details. Truly, he's almost indispensable — and it costs you no more for his services. Make your Europe tour pure fun — see a Travel Agent first. Ask him, too, about how you can arrange free showings of Pan Am's fascinating fullcolor sound motion pictures of Europe — for groups or organizations.